As a woman on the edge of change, things are changing. Your outlook on life is changing. Your goals and the five-year plan is changing. If you look back to what you wanted before, to what you want now, everything is different. You want more for yourself but, by more, I mean, more time, more happiness, more peace, and more self-love and self-confidence, and honestly, you deserve every damn thing you want for yourself.
A woman on the edge of change knows she deserves everything she envisions for herself, and I want you to go after everything you have ever envisioned for yourself. Who you are today, is a completely different person to who you were five years ago, and right now, you should embrace the hell out of that because some amazing things are on their way to you. I’m honestly so excited for you.
If you are a woman on the edge of change. A woman ready for something new and ready to open herself up to something new, this blog post has been specifically written for you.
A woman on the edge of change knows her strengths, and isn’t afraid to use them and show them to the world.
A woman on the edge of change knows that she is capable of some pretty badass moves, and she is ready to make them.
A woman on the edge of change is ready to step out of her comfort zone, get uncomfortable, and make her dreams a reality.
A woman on the edge of change knows she is going to be thrown with obstacles but she is ready to take them on and nothing will stand in the way of her dreams.
A woman on the edge of change knows she is in competition with no one and only herself.
A woman on the edge of change knows her authenticity is her power and authenticity always wins.
A woman on the edge of change understands that sometimes you need to move away from things and people that are holding you back and there is nothing wrong with that.
A woman on the edge of change knows that nothing can stand in her way unless she allows it to stand in her way.
You are a woman on the edge of change. You are a woman that holds tremendous power, and you need to tap into that power and put it to use. You are honestly capable of some pretty amazing things but, you are holding yourself back, and to move forward, you need to get out of your own way, step out of your comfort zone and be ok with getting uncomfortable, because with uncomfortable comes the next level and you are ready for that next level.
Here’s to you taking the next step and, never second-guessing your power again.

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