This has been huge, and it has been something I have been realizing more and more as the year has gone on. I have noticed that the more I show up for myself, my dreams, and my future, that permits other women to do the same. And when I talk about permission, I do not mean they were not able to do something until I did it, but rather the fact that I showed up regardless of the fear, self-doubt, and the possibility of failure, it shows other women that they can do the same regardless of fear, self-doubt, and the possibility of failure.
As women, we need to support one another, and sometimes a form of support is doing something completely out of your comfort zone that helps other women know they can do it as well. I cannot tell you how many powerhouse women I see making moves, challenging the norm, and taking the world by storm even though they feel fear and sometimes doubt themselves. I have watched these women create the lives of their dreams, and I would sit back and ask myself: ‘’If they can do it, why can’t I? and that alone would push me to step out of my comfort zone, move past the fear and the second-guessing. I would tell myself if they can do it, so can I, but I need to be willing to get the hell out of my own way and make the moves to get there. Not just sit back wondering day after day, why nothing has happened.
So, the next time you want to make a big move, challenge your norm, completely change the direction in your life, know that there have been thousands of women before you that have done what you want to do and if they can do it and come out a million times stronger, so can you. If anything, the fact that they went out and did the impossible, that alone should inspire, motivate, and drive you to go after everything you have ever wanted in life and create your ideal future.
We all deserve more than just watching other women get what they want in life. We deserve to get what we want in life, but the only way we are going to get it is if we are willing to go after it and take it.
Use another woman’s success as fuel to drive your own success and create your ideal future. For me, I am always so empowered, inspired, and driven once I see another woman succeed. I get excited because I know that if she can do it, I can do it as long as I put in the work, and I’m willing to keep going even when life knocks me down now and then.
So Babe, the next time you are worried about showing up and taking the world by storm, think about all the other powerhouse babes that are watching you and do it for them. We all deserve to be inspired, motivated, and encouraged by each other. Let’s do it for one another.

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