Finding excitement and purpose in your career is an important part of your overall happiness and when you reach career stagnation we often don’t notice immediately. It takes time to notice and we generally don’t want to notice. By acknowledging that your career has become stagnant is the perfect first step towards making the necessary changes to breathe life back into your professional and working career. So how do you know you have reached career stagnation and it’s time to move on or as we should say ‘’up’’ in your career.
No opportunity for learning or growth
Has it been a while since you have learned a new skill or taken a course to enhance your skills while in your current position? If so this could be the first sign that you have reached career stagnation. If your current position does not allow you to learn and grow, your skills may become outdated. Finding a career that constantly allows you to grow, learn and evolve is an important aspect of moving in the right direction of your career, and if you feel you aren’t getting that it’s time to move on.
You spend your Sundays dreading Mondays
Have you ever felt an overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety just thinking about going to work on Monday? You spend your Sundays ruminating about everything you have to do on Monday and your anxiety is high. If you find yourself more willing to scrub kitchen floors and spring clean the house than face the first workday of the week, something is defiantly wrong. Many call it the Sunday Blues but if you are dealing with the feeling of dread almost every Sunday it is defiantly time to consider a change.
You are bored out of your mind
Do you remember when you first started in your position? The nerves, the excitement. Your learning wheels turning because of all you have yet to learn. You take in as much as possible and get excited for new tasks given to you because it allows you to learn and grow? As much as we want it to sometimes these feelings don’t last forever. You find yourself bored out of your mind, doing your job with your eyes closed because you have mastered it so well over the years? No more excitement, just constant repetitive tasks. If your career no longer challenges you, excites you, and does not require most of the skills you possess, it’s time.
You haven’t had a raise in over 3 years
Being financially compensated for the job you do is an important part of career happiness. Regularly getting a raise maintains an employee’s sense of contentment in terms of their job outlook. It makes them feel valued, appreciated, and needed. If you find yourself still earning the same salary you did 3 years ago even though you have taken on new projects, always tried to show your eagerness and willingness to go the extra mile it’s a clear sign you have probably reached stagnation in your career.
If you have read all four of these signs and realized you could be in career stagnation, don’t fret. Just because you are stuck now does not mean you will be stuck forever. The first step to move past career stagnation is acknowledging it and what you are going to do about it.

Lol! Many people don’t like talking about money and the importance of it and how it really does contribute to your general happiness. Now I’m not saying money equals happiness but we can’t lie to ourselves and say being financially stable isn’t a source or cause of joy!
I completely agree with you. Many dont want to talk about money but money is a big factor to career happiness. Its an important part. Thanks for reading 🙂